RDCC Projected Image of the Year Competition, PDI REQUIREMENTS (Feb 2018) Image files should be:- 1. JPEG format, maximum quality. 2. sRGB colour space. Images not in the required colour space may not have your intended appearance. 3. Landscape format images must be a maximum 1920 pixels wide and no more than 1200 pixels high. 4. Portrait format images must be a maximum 1200 pixels high.(Ensuring that the aspect ratio is maintained when resizing should ensure that your images conform to these standards). 5. Smaller images will be projected with a black background. "by" Spellings will not be corrected
RDCC Knock Out Competition (At AGM) Requirements as above
RDCC The Mather Parlett Trophy Requirements as above
RDCC The Douglas Moss Trophy (Was Cinque Port Trophy) Requirements as above. This is open to Group "B" members only. Rules as for club projected image competitions (above). The overall winner of both the “set subject & “open” will be awarded the trophy.
RDCC Peter Chillingworth Shield
Open Subject
Requirements as above
RDCC George Delemare Trophy
Projected Image of the British Countryside,
Requirements as above
Dereck Hester Trophy
Own Printing - Open Subject
Gostrow Trophy
Colour Print - Open Subject
Roy Stubbs Trophy
Monochrome Print – Architectural
Digital Art Competition
Open Subject
The Print of the Year Competition

With exception to SMALL PRINTS competitions. There is no maximum print size BUT prints must fit within the MAXIMUM MOUNT SIZE of 50cm by 40cm.
RDCC Small Print Trophy
Open Subject
Maximum prints size A4, A maximum mount size of 50cm by 40cm. Print dimensions other than A4 are acceptable provided that the total surface area of the print does not exceed A4.
RDCC Members Challenge Competitions Check Programme for Details
KCPA Ross Cup Annual
Print Competition
Check Website
PAGB Rules for the 2010 GB Cup including the GB Cup (Natural History) Colour Space: sRGB Colour Mode: RGB or 8bit Greyscale File Format: .tiff No Compression or .jpg (Compression 12) Tiff Preferred Image Size: maximum 1400 pixels horizontal, maximum 1050 pixels vertical.  (Not 1400 vertical please).

PAGB Annual Inter-Federation Projected Image Competition & Exhibition Colour Space: sRGB Colour Mode: RGB or 8bit Greyscale File Format: .tiff No Compression Image Size: maximum 1400 pixels horizontal, maximum 1050 pixels vertical.  (Not 1400 vertical please).
SxPF  PDI Competition  Colour Space: sRGB File Format: High Quality .jpg Image Size: 1400 x 1050 pixels (or as specified for that year’s competition).