CLUB CONSTITUTION (Issued September 2023)
The club shall be called the “RYE & DISTRICT CAMERA CLUB”
Aims and Objects To promote, encourage, and maintain an active interest in the science, art and practice of Photography, by means of talks, discussions, practical demonstrations and competitions.
To provide a regular meeting place with social facilities for members and non-members alike, with no restrictions on race, ability or age.
Membership shall be open to all interested in Photography. Prospective new members shall be welcome to attend two regular club meetings free of charge before joining the club.
Subscriptions Annual subscriptions shall be due on the day of the AGM and paid to the duly elected Treasurer. The Club’s financial year shall start on the 1st April and end on the 31st March. Subscriptions shall be reviewed and set at the AGM. Payment to “Rye & District Camera Club”. New members joining from 1st January of any annual subscription year shall pay one half of the annual subscription.
Committee The committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership secretary, Programme Secretary, Print Secretary, Digital Secretary, Webmaster and Publicity Officer, together with up to three representatives from the rest of the club.
Print and Digital selection committees shall be formed from the main committee as and when required, chosen on each occasion by and at the discretion of the Chairman.
The committee shall control all affairs of the Club, including funds and property of the club, and shall have the power to co-opt other
members when necessary.
For the Election of officers and committee, nominations shall be made in writing and handed to the Secretary before the start of the AGM. Each nomination must contain the following: the name of the Nominee, *the office for which they are designated ( *at the discretion of the Chairman), the proposer and seconder and the signature of the Nominee agreeing to stand. Further nominations may be received
from the floor; they must have a Proposer and Seconder as well as the verbal or written agreement of the Nominee.
Voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a secret ballot is requested by a majority of the members present.
The elected committee shall meet at regular intervals throughout the year to manage the Club’s affairs. The dates and venue shall be decided upon at the previous Committee meeting and at a mutually convenient time for all elected members.
The AGM shall be held in April or May of each year for the purposes of: Receiving and approving reports from the Chairman and Officers together with a statement of income and expenditure produced by the Treasurer; the election of Officers and Committee and transacting the general business of the Club. For the purposes of holding an AGM or EGM one third of subscription paying members should constitute a quorum.
The committee shall be responsible for all financial matters affecting the club. The club funds shall be deposited with a recognised bank.
An account of all income and expenditure shall be kept by the Treasurer, who shall prepare a statement of income and expenditure for presentation at the AGM.
Competitions shall be open to all members, subject to the individual rules that apply to certain competitions. The different competitions and their associated rules shall be published with the Club’s Constitutions and be available for all members to view on the Club’s Website . The Constitution and Competition Rules shall be provided to each member.
An attendance book will be used at every meeting.
Each member of the club shall hold harmless and keep indemnified not only to the club, but every officer and member of the club, from
and against any claim of demand whatsoever on account of any injury, damage, loss to his or her property, in or upon the club’s premises, or taking part in any activity that the club may arrange, providing always that insofar as any member has a valid insurance, to cover third party claims against him or her, such member may not be relieved from liability for any acts done to Club members, or their property, to the extent of his or her insurance. The maximum liability of any one member shall be £5.00
Dissolution of the Club
The Rye and District Camera Club may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club.
After the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, the remaining property and funds shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Club but shall be given or transferred to such charitable organisation or organisations having similar objectives.
No part of the above rules may be altered without a two thirds majority vote at the next general meeting.
This revised version of the Constitution adopted at Club AGM held on 24th April 2023